Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Here Comes the Sun

I'm in love. Seriously. Like I'd marry it if I could, and if I wasn't already married to LushMan. Who's LushMan, you ask? He's my honey, my one and only, my rock, and my provider. We'll talk later about why he's LushMan though. Now I have to get back to my love.

My love is sunflower butter. Sunbutter to be exact. Natural Crunch Sunbutter to be even more exact. TheYoungest has food allergies. I'm nursing therefore I can't eat anything that she might be allergic to. To sum it up, just about everything. At least I can't eat until we get her testing back. That's all for another day too.

But I can eat Sunbutter. I ate some yesterday for the first time. Then I ate some more. And then I ate some today. It is so beautiful, so rich, so creamy. I thought about taking a picture of my Sunbutter bagel so you all could see how wonderfully delicious it is. But then I thought Nah. So I ate it.

I'm in love.

Look how pretty. I could curl up and snuggle with it right now. Or open it and start eating by the spoonful. OK, maybe it isn't the Natural Crunch, but Creamy is just as pretty in her own special way. We don't want to give her a complex, you know.

Maybe we'll have sunbutter sandwiches for dinner tonight. Quick, easy, delicious. No, never mind, I'm not sharing. So there. Don't even ask, you can't have any. You have to go buy your own. And when you do, pick me up one, would you?

*I have not been paid, encouraged or threatened by the Sunbutter company to post this endorsement. In fact, they have no idea who I am which kind of breaks my heart because I love them so much now. That makes me sad, I think I'll go eat some more.