Thursday, January 24, 2008

Preschool parent/teacher conference

TheOldest had her parent/teacher conference at Montessori today.

Kind of crazy for a 4 year old. I guess it is even crazier that the 3 year old has hers next week.

But as it stands, TheOldest is a happy, friendly, good worker who like to burp a lot in class.

Yup, that's what Mrs. M said. She is doing great, she puts away her work, she plays well with other kids, she plays well independently, but we are working on one thing, her manners. WHAT? My precious child has impeccable manners, thankyouverymuch. Oh, yes, it seems as if whenever the class is quiet, TheOldest takes a sip of water and burps very loud. Then she laughs.

I'm so proud.