Tuesday, February 5, 2008

So(y) Busted.

Continuing from my previous post, we were to try soy formula since her RAST test came back negative to soy. I was so looking forward to using soy instead of the very expensive formula ($25 for 3 days worth.) Like I've said before, I would like to breastfeed exclusively again, but more on that later.

Saturday we decided to try the soy. First I'd nurse, then we'd follow up with a few ounces of formula. She did have a bit of a cold and I wasn't thinking or else I would have waited. Throughout the day, she got sicker and sicker. And crankier and crankier. She's normally a very happy baby, so I just figured she wasn't feeling well (LushMan gets cranky when he's sick too.)

Right before bed, she projectile vomited. And then slept better than she had all day. And we went back to the Nutramigen. Hello, ridiculous expense. Goodbye, Luxuries.

So, back to the nursing. I'm still plugging away at it. The thing that kills me the most is that she started out nursing well. She was going to be my baby who nursed the longest (in my mind.)

Thank you for the comments yesterday, the advice, the support. It really helped.


Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

If you are still really wanting to nurse, your milk should be able to come back to where it needs to be- get in touch with a lactation consultant if you haven't already (your OB should be able to recommend someone, too).

Just so you know, I'm not a big "you better breast feed and not give formula" kind of person. It's a personal choice and if you are wanting to wean, go for it.

But maybe now that you're off milk and dairy products, the baby won't be so hesitant to nurse? I'd give it a shot anyway... it's much cheaper!! :)

I wish you the best in whatever you decide. Let me know what I can do to help!
